Community Support
Our company and employees have a history of supporting local communities through fundraising and charitable activities.
Since 1997 we have donated to the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board (OERB), a private agency that cleans up orphaned and abandoned well-sites in Oklahoma.
We contribute annually to numerous charitable organizations, such as the Tulsa Area United Way, and the American Red Cross.
Our employees give of their time, money, and effort to support area families through various organizations.
Environmental Health and Safety
Our EHS Policy affirms our commitment to conduct our business in a manner that safeguards people, the environment, and our assets. Our employees and the public are the number one priority of our policy
Environmental Stewardship
We recognize our responsibility to the communities we serve. Our goal is to be a corporate “good neighbor,” and one of the ways we seek to achieve that is by preserving the environments in which we operate.